Around the Town Hall
February 26th, 2016 by Einkaufen in Aachen

Route 1: Around the Town Hall
When you stand on Aachen’s Market Place, at first you’ll be overwhelmed by the monumental Town Hall, the secular landmark of the historic town centre.
Then other beautiful old buildings like Haus Löwenstein will catch your eye. And finally you’ll see that many of these buildings bordering the Market Place and in the neighbouring side streets offer excellent shopping opportunities – for connoisseurs who appreciate and are on the lookout for unique and lovingly-made articles. Pontstraße and Kockerellstraße, for example, have choice specialities for you to discover. If you’re looking for teas from far-off lands, wines from exclusive winegrowing regions or trendy fashion articles, you’ll find them here.
The shops along Jakobstraße have books and elegant garments, parlour games and eccentric jewellery just waiting to meet their future owners. And for some fortification along the way, there’s fresh pasta.